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대한우울조울병학회 춘계학술대회 

- 교육명 : 대한우울조울병학회 춘계학술대회

- 교육기관 : 대한신경정신의학회(대한우울조울병학회)

- 교육날짜 : 2015-03-13 (금) 09:30 ~ 17:05

- 지역 : 서울

- 장소 : 서울 백범김구기념관

- 교육문의 : 064-754-3933

- 승인평점 : 6점 - 프로그램 09:30 ~ 09:50 Mania and hypomania 정종현(가톨릭의대) 09:30 ~ 09:50 Transcranial magnetic stimulation 석정호(연세의대) 09:50 ~ 10:10 Electro-convulsive therapy 전홍진(성균관의대) 09:50 ~ 10:10 Unipolar and bipolar depression 왕희령(가톨릭의대) 10:10 ~ 10:30 Adolescent with mood disorders 심세훈(순천향의대) 10:10 ~ 10:30 Biofeedback 이재원(을지의대) 10:50 ~ 11:15 Effects of mood on recovery of stroke 성형모(차의과학대) 10:50 ~ 11:10 Pathogenesis of depression 함병주(고려의대) 11:10 ~ 11:30 Pathogenesis of bipolar disorder 장세헌(봉생병원) 11:15 ~ 11:40 Mood disorders and cancer treatment 심인희(동남권원자력의학원) 11:30 ~ 11:50 Therapeutic agents for depression 김희철(계명의대) 11:40 ~ 12:05 Mood and personal traits as risk factors for coronary heart disease Benjamin Lee(Yale Univ.) 11:50 ~ 12:10 Therapeutic agents for bipolar disorder 홍정완(남원성일병원) 12:10 ~ 12:40 Clinical implication of MDD with bipolarity 박영민(인제의대) 12:10 ~ 12:40 Reviews on the clinical features of Pristiq: Efficacy and Safety 백종우(경희의대) 12:40 ~ 13:10 Optimizing approach for everyday functioning in MDD treatment 원승희(경북의대) 12:40 ~ 13:10 Clinical management of MDD with bipolarity with Abilify 김문두(제주의대) 13:30 ~ 13:50 Resilience against trauma 정영은(제주의대) 13:30 ~ 13:55 Diagnosis of depressive disorders 이종훈(대구가톨릭의대) 13:50 ~ 14:10 Biological understanding trauma-related symptoms 강석훈(중앙보훈병원) 13:55 ~ 14:20 Diagnosis of bipolar disorders 임은성(신세계효병원) 14:10 ~ 14:30 PTSD and depression after trauma exposure 배경열(전남의대) 14:20 ~ 14:45 Interactive session for diagnosis 남범우(건국의대) 14:30 ~ 14:50 Treating depression of victims 윤호경(고려의대) 14:50 ~ 15:20 Impact of underdiagnosis of bipolar depression 전덕인(한림의대) 14:50 ~ 15:20 Granted value of EFEXOR XR in depression control 이정구(인제의대) 15:20 ~ 15:50 Optimal treatment for depressed patients with anxiety & somatic symptom 양종철(전북의대) 15:20 ~ 15:50 Importance of maintenance therapy and mood stabilizer for bipolar depression 서정석(건국의대) 15:50 ~ 16:15 정신분석이론 구본훈(영남의대) 15:50 ~ 16:20 우울장애 이상열(원광의대) 16:15 ~ 16:40 애착이론 이소희(국립의료원) 16:20 ~ 16:50 양극성장애 손인기(계요병원) 16:40 ~ 17:05 인지행동이론 김원(인제의대)

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